
Web Render Engine

Dec 2023 - ∞

Open Source

WebGL • React • react-three-fiber • TS

Real-time browser based viewer that can render glTF & 3D Gaussian Splatting (SPLAT) files from a given url with the ability to move them around. This was built as a demo to an accompanying blog post authored by me for Radiance Fields blog. This repo is still in development by the team.

3D Gaussian Splatting

Real-time Rendering

Photogrammetry 3D Viewer

May 2021 - Jun 2023

Built for Preimage

WebGL • React • react-three-fiber • Openlayers • TS

Real-time Web based 3D and 2D viewer that can visualize any photogrammetry output, from City-scale 3D Textured Meshes, 3D Point clouds to GIS-related outputs such as DEM, DTM and Orthomosaic maps, all with dynamic Levels-Of-Detail(LODs) for seamless loading and performance. Also, with annotation & marker features. This was a user facing application with the render pipeline, and most components built from the ground up by me. The users processing their photogrammetry data on the Preimage platform, then were able to visualize their outputs directly on the browser using this Viewer.

Real-time Rendering



Asset Conversion Pipeline

Aug 2024

Built for Unproject

Blender • Python • Docker • AWS

Backend asset conversion powered by headless Blender that can be used to load an FBX 3D asset, extract object information, hierarchy & materials, storing these in Supabase DB. It also exports out all meshes in the asset as seperate GLB files & all textures as PNG files, uploaded to AWS S3. Unproject is a Spatial Design tool & the output of this script helps to maintain real-time dynamic scene information & a web-ready data format.

Asset Pipeline

Blender Scripting

Spatial Design

Multiview Renderer

Mar 2024

Built for

Blender • Python • AWS

Renderer script that can be used to load multiple assets, prepare and generate multiple renders from different camera views, lighting setups & render settings based on given config. These assets could be loaded from, and image renders could be saved directly to cloud storage (AWS S3). This was an internal tool to generate synthetic training data (render images) of millions of scraped 3D assets to be used for training & fine-tuning ML 3D diffusion models.

Machine Learning

Generative AI

3D Design Tool

Cloud 3D Asset Explorer

Apr 2024

Built for

React • react-three-fiber • JS

Browser-based App that can load and render 3D assets from S3 cloud storage. This was an internal tool for marking assets to be used for training & fine-tuning ML 3D diffusion models.

Machine Learning

Generative AI

3D Design Tool

Engraving mesh - Script

Dec 2023

Built for ijewel3D

Blender • Python

Blender script to prepare jewelry Ring models, adding a plane mesh to it's inner surface so that engravings can be added later on via custom modifier plugin on the client's platform.


3D Visualization